Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Moving Toward the Fall L.O.G.s – Teams (part #1)

Now that the summer season is over, we’ve begun moving toward the fall L.O.G.s - #62, #63 and #64.

The first step was to call CoLeaders.  The adult advisors were in conversation on and off all summer, seeking to discern which of our students God was leading us to ask to serve as the CoLeaders for the three Teams.  The qualities we always look for in Co’s include a personal faith in God that is lived out in the student’s life beyond L.O.G., a commitment to our program that includes a minimum of one time serving on a L.O.G. Team as well as the ability to lead and the respect of one’s peers. This is not easy because there are many more candidates than we can use - even in a whole year of L.O.G.s!

After much deliberation and prayer, we called six seniors to serve for the fall season:  Neil Infalt and Claire Soisson for L.O.G. #62; Gabby Marzke and Shea Slayter for L.O.G. #63 and Alex Jones and Bethany Van Alstine for L.O.G. #64.  Thanks be to God that each one of them said “yes”!

Then we opened up the sign ups for L.O.G. Team.

L.O.G. #63 filled up first, in part because some of the youth from New Jersey will be coming out to share in that weekend with us.  When we reached 25 members we began a waiting list, which now has three names on it.  L.O.G. #64 filled up a week or so later – no waiting list at this time.  As I write this, L.O.G. #62 has not filled up yet.

The reason we had to cap the two Teams at 25 is because it usually takes a minimum of 16-18 Team members to successfully prepare and present a L.O.G. weekend.  We cannot move forward with the fall L.O.G.s until we have enough Team members signed up for each L.O.G. Team.

Check back here tomorrow for part #2 of this blog Moving Toward the Fall L.O.G.s - Teams in which I’ll reflect on some or all of these questions:
-       what are the pro’s and con’s of small or large Teams?
-       why do we even do Teams?
-       What will we have to do to balance out the three Teams?

Teams begin next week!

In the love of God,


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