Monday, February 17, 2014

The Art of Asking ...

When you want something, you ask for it - right?

Lauren wants a date with Slope-Style Olympian Nick Goepper and asked the LOG #71 team to help her create a video that would convince Nick to ask her out.  You can see the video here:

And we want many people to sign up to attend the upcoming LOG weekends - right?

But each team only has 4-5 people signed up so far.  Maybe you are all asking the wrong way.

Here are some definite no-no's when it comes to asking friends to come to LOG...

Don't try to physically force them to sign up.

Don't tell them that we have "secret" signs and handshakes.

Don't growl at them when they say that they might be busy that weekend.

Don't try the super suave or flirty approach.

Don't threaten to beat them up if they say no.

And for heaven's sake, don't try to vampire approach.

Just greet them with a smile.

And maybe a hug (if appropriate).

And be sure to tell them all about the weekend (well almost everything) and why it is important to you.  Remember - there are no secrets, only surprises.

We're only a month away from the first of the three March LOG weekends.

Get busy - and ask!

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