Emily Collins just noticed that I only listed 10 blessings and 10 prayers. No one else alerted me, but I bet more of you noticed. Click on the word "comment" below and add your own blessings and prayers ...
Two dozen roses on the cross during every LOG weekend ...
Twelve blessings from last year and twelve prayers for the year to come ...
12 for 2013 -
1 - This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.This is love: not that we loved God, but that God loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sin. (1 John 4:9-10)
2 - the blessing of having a strong group of
adult leaders who give their time, talent and treasure to ensure that the teens of Michiana can share in our weekends that can last a lifetime.
3 - the blessing of
150+ great kids who served on LOG teams and shared the love of God with their friends.
4 - the blessing of
reuniting with alums who are so missed.
5 - the
blessing of partnerships with Faith Community Church, Evangel Heights UMC and Clay Church - and Albright UMC (even tho we haven't been there in awhile).
6 - the blessing of the service of long-time
board members and new members just signing on to serve.
7 - the blessing of being in
community with LOG friends in New Jersey and California.
8 - the blessing of being able to
serve beyond "our own" at Bashor and SOS.
9 - the blessing of receiving $1000 from 1st Source, $500 from Kohls and three new monthly donations from LOG families - - and, of course,
all the gifts from supportive families and friends.
10 - one word:
And 12 for 2014
1 - pray for the
new friends whom God will bring into our LOG community this year.
2 - pray for a few more people to
join the LOG #71 team.
3 - pray about whether you would benefit from the new insights and wisdom about Godly relationships that will come from our
Connections retreat in February.
4 - pray about reaching out to draw in
students from the Elkhart / Goshen area.
5 - pray for our
Coleaders and Spirit Leaders and all who serve on LOG teams
6 - pray that local businesses will support us as we celebrate the talent of many local youth at our
second Michiana Youth Showcase event in April.
7 - pray for me (Terry) - asking for God's guidance and encouragement in my professional and personal lives.
8 - pray (alright, hope) that Terry will have
100 followers on Twitter by the end of the year ... and then go "follow" him if you haven't already done so.
9 - pray that in all the things we do, both in and out of LOG, we will
glorify and please God.
10 -
pray that as we love one another, God will live in us and his love will be made complete in us. (1 John 4:12)
LOG teams will begin next week. Check out the details on our new team Facebook pages (to be posted on Thursday, January 2).