Monday, September 30, 2013

Hiding Naked in the Garden ...

They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, “Where are you?” The man said, “I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.”  (Genesis 3:8-10 NRSV)

One of the things I so appreciate about LOG is that we don't have to hide from one another.

OK - we are intentional about keeping the doors closed when changing clothes.  But most of the time we're pretty open with each other.

Like Sunday - at the LOG #69 team meeting.

One of us was saddened by being unable to help a friend and another was distraught about a sibling's health.  Emotions were exposed.  Feelings were bare.

But both team members chose to come into the presence of the love of God as found in the love of friends.  Both were comforted.  Others helped them bear their burdens.  They were lifted in prayer and surrounded with love.

I am so thankful for this community where we do not have to hide from God - or each other (even if we do sometimes hide from the camera). 

Scroll down to see some photos of those who don't hide from the camera (thanks, Lucy) but be sure to note all the important info between here and there!


Tuesday Tune-Up: 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Albright UMC in Mishawaka
**** for more info, see the previous LOGBlog post

Snacks for Team Meetings:
LOG #69 - Patrick M and Wilhe D and ____________
LOG #70 - Michael S, Jacob P and Phillip B
 And everyone please bring some beverages!

Take 'n Go Ribs Fundraiser: this coming Saturday, October 5

Saturday, October 12
LOG visits Bashor Home - 8am - 2pm
Vertical Worship with Pam Plouhar - 7:00pm at Firehouse

Team Overnights:
LOG #69 - October 18-19 (ND game that evening - wanna stay and help?)
LOG #70 - October 25-26

Get your participants to sign up soon:
LOG #69 - has ten participants - two confirmed
LOG #70 - has seven participants - none confirmed


Friday, September 27, 2013

Don't Ask Me ...

 I have no idea!
 I presume that Isaac's pants were so BIG and Bella and Melinda were so SMALL.

This is just how the LOG #70 team rolls!

Scroll down for more photos from our last meeting (thanks to Jason and Shelby) but please note the important info first ...


Tuesday Tune-Up: 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Albright UMC in Mishawaka
**** for more info, see the previous LOGBlog post

Snacks for Team Meetings:
LOG #69 - Vincent B, Michael K, Andy S, Ted L and Nick P
LOG #70 - Michael S, Jacob P and Phillip B
 And everyone please bring some beverages!

Take 'n Go Ribs Fundraiser: Saturday, October 5
Please try to sell your tickets this week and bring the money to the next meeting. 

Saturday, October 12
LOG visits Bashor Home - 8am - 2pm
Vertical Worship with Pam Plouhar - 7:00pm at Firehouse

Team Overnights:
LOG #69 - October 18-19 (ND game that evening - wanna stay and help?)
LOG #70 - October 25-26

Get your participants to sign up soon:
LOG #69 - has ten participants - one confirmed
LOG #70 - has seven participants - none confirmed


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What are you doing ...

... Saturday, October 12th?

Here are two great possibilities!

Help lead an event at Bashor Home!

Share the love of God with the youth at Bashor as we sing and share, play and pray with them.

We'll leave South Bend at 8:00am and be back around 2:00pm.

Bring a friend to Vertical Worship

Our good friend, Pam Plouhar, will be leading our Vertical Worship night - from 7:00pm - 9:30pm at the Firehsouse Ministry Center.

Many of you have never met Pam - but she is beloved of those of us who have been around LOG for very long.   She is (by her own admission)  a "cool adult" and she loves God and loves teenagers.

This would be a good time to bring a friend to meet us and check us out!  Alums are welcome as well.

One - or hopefully both - on Saturday, October 12th!

Scroll down to see what other LOG folks can attest to Pam's "coolness" (but be sure to check out all the important info as you go).

Can You Help at the ND Game this Saturday?
  12:00noon - 4:30pm
  We only have a few people so far - please get in touch with Terry asap.

Please try to sell your RIBS tickets this week and bring the money to the next meeting. 

Snacks for Team Meetings:
LOG #69 - Vincent B, Michael K, Andy S, Ted L and Nick P
LOG #70 -   Stephen, Leah and Pierce
And everyone please bring some beverages!

Get your participants to sign up soon:


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Would You Trust This Man?

Spencer (LOG #69) says he's sold four ribs tickets and wants more!

I'm trusting him.

Jacob (LOG #70) took ten tickets to sell at his church.

I'm counting on both of them.  And you too!

Many of you have said things like ...
- i think I can sell mine next week.
- I should be able to.
- I'll really try.

Anya sold them to her teacher.  Mark said that many teachers like to try to help their students when they are doing something like this.

 Caylor's family won't have to cook that night - they'll be eating ribs.

If all 70 members of the fall LOG teams sell just two tickets, we will raise nearly $1000 - not including any sales we get from people driving by.

Please do your best to sell your tickets.  Let me know if you want more.

If you cannot sell them, please bring them back to the next team meeting.

More photos from LOG #70 team meeting below (thanks, Lucy!) but be sure to catch up on all the news first ...


Tuesday Tune-Up: 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Albright UMC in Mishawaka
**** for more info, see the previous LOGBlog post

Snacks for Team Meetings:
LOG #69 - Vincent B, Michael K, Andy S, Ted L and Nick P
LOG #70 -   Stephen, Leah and Pierce
And everyone please bring some beverages!

Next ND Game Day Program Sales:  Saturday, September 28 (next one will be 10/19)

Take 'n Go Ribs Fundraiser: Saturday, October 5
Please try to sell your tickets this week and bring the money to the next meeting. 

Team Overnights:
LOG #69 - October 18-19 (ND game that evening - wanna stay and help?)
LOG #70 - October 25-26

Get your participants to sign up soon:


Friday, September 20, 2013

Don't Do This ...

This is how NOT to invite someone to LOG:

It's fine to talk to them - tell them all about it:
     (remember - no secrets, just surprises)

You can even pray with them:
    (and for them ...)

And now is a good time to do it!

L.O.G. #69 has seven people registered - none confirmed.
L.O.G. #70 has three people registered - not confirmed.

Confirmed means that we have received their registration fee and medical form back from them.

So get busy!  And if you already invited someone - encourage them to return their money and med form so we can be sure they are going to attend.  The registration fee goes up $20.00 one month before the weekend - October 8 for LOG #69 and October 15 for LOG #70.

Please remember, Terry will be happy to talk to your friends' parents if they want more info about LOG or MYM - give them my number or give me theirs.

I put a few more photos at the end of this blog (thanks, Laura!) but be sure to read the info so you know what's going on ...


Tuesday Tune-Up: 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Albright UMC in Mishawaka
**** for more info, see the previous LOGBlog post

Snacks for Team Meetings:
LOG #69 - Mary, Maddy and _____?_____ (someone who didn't get signed up please)
LOG #70 -   Stephen, Leah and Pierce
And everyone please bring some beverages!

Next ND Game Day Program Sales:  Saturday, September 21 and September 28

Take 'n Go Ribs Fundraiser: Saturday, October 5
Please try to sell your tickets this week and bring the money to the next meeting.

Team Overnights:
LOG #69 - October 18-19 (ND game that evening - wanna stay and help?)
LOG #70 - October 25-26

Get your participants to sign up soon:


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

169 and 2

There were 169 views of my recent blog "What Can You Discern From This Photo".

And two comments—both from adult leaders.

Annette said:
1. Everyone is accepted.
2. Teenager focused.
3. They're having fun!

Morgan (with help from Bryce) said:
1. Keegan has something clipped to his face.
2. Teenagers are weird.
3. We love Hugs.

There are some good answers, for sure ... a hallmark of LOG is our welcoming community and we do love hugs.

The #1 thing I discerned from the photo was that LOGgers come from many schools, many churches and many towns.  Right there in the photo, we have youth from six different high schools (Trinity at Greenlawn, Clay, Riley, Fairfield, Elkhart Central and Penn.  Also represented on the LOG #70 team are Adams, Mishawaka, St. Joe, Northridge, Granger Christian and South Bend New Tech.

We are richer for our diversity.  This makes possible friendships that probably would not have otherwise been possible.  Together we create a community full of ideas and fun.  We are bound together by the love of God and our love for one another.

Who do you know that would enjoy the LOG community?  Someone from Washington HS?  Or Marian?  Everyone's welcome!  Registration is open at
What I can not discern is why there were only two comments? 
        What happened to the other 167 of you? 


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Look Who Showed Up ...

Two of our favorite alums dropped in to visit at the LOG #69 Team meeting today.

This wasn't one of them.

But I used this photo because what I'm about to say isn't about either of them - but about anyone who visits the meeting of a team on which they are not serving.

One of the things I love about LOG is the sense of community we have - many youth from many different towns, churches and schools - even colleges.

We are always glad to see friends who are serving on other teams or are "gone but not forgotten" - if ...

and this is a big "if ..."

If the visit doesn't interfere with the team meeting.  If your presence doesn't take the focus away from what we are trying to accomplish: team building, devotional time and getting ready for the upcoming weekend.

If you visit - the best time to arrive is right as the meeting is ending - so you can greet team members as they are leaving the meeting.  Please do not come into the room where the team is, so you don't distract the last announcements or interrupt a closing prayer.  Just wait until the meeting ends and then hug to your heart's content.

If you can't do late - you may arrive a few minutes before the beginning of the meeting and greet team members as they arrive - but please check in with the CoLeaders to ascertain when they will begin the meeting and say your goodbyes in plenty of time so you are gone before they say "May the Lord be with you!".

Our two visitors today did it just right.  Thanks to Jordan and Jessica!

There are plenty of other photos from today below (thanks, Lucy) BUT - please be sure to check out the info as you scroll past it so you can keep up on what's happening in LOG.


Tuesday Tune-Up: 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Albright UMC in Mishawaka
**** for more info, see the previous LOGBlog post

Snacks for Team Meetings:
LOG #69 - Mary, Maddy and _____?_____ (someone who didn't get signed up please)
LOG #70 -   Emily E and Annette V
And everyone please bring some beverages!

Next ND Game Day Program Sales:  Saturday, September 21

Take 'n Go Ribs Fundraiser: Saturday, October 5
Please try to sell your tickets this week and bring the money to the next meeting.

Team Overnights:
LOG #69 - October 18-19 (ND game that evening - wanna stay and help?)
LOG #70 - October 25-26

Get your participants to sign up soon:


Glad to see Jessica H - sorry we didn't get Jordan on camera.

Spirit Leader: Lucy A and Care Leader: Jane M lead a game.
And Co's Jenae and Sarah look on (wouldn't you love to know what they were saying?)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sex On the Couch

It's fun, right?

The game I mean (get your mind out of the gutter)!

It's a great game!  No one gets out.  You learn people's names - or get even more confused about who is whom.

Now - for all of you whose first thought was about something other than a harmless game (and even for those who knew what I was talking about) - please start thinking about attending the Connections retreat weekend in January.

Connections: An Intimate Look at Relationships - spiritual, emotional and sexual is a whole weekend focused on exploring a Christian perspective on the most important relationships we all have - with God, with family and friends and with boyfriends and girlfriends.

We'll announce the date as soon as we can be sure we aren't conflicting with the high school winter dances.


(enter your email address on the right hand side of the front page and you will receive an email every time the blog is updated ...)

This is a big / full weekend:

Saturday -
- 9:30am - 2:30pm - Reigns of Life Service Day (meet at EHUM - lunch included)
- 6:30pm - 11:30pm - Vertical Worship and ND Football Game at Firehouse

Sunday - 
9:30am - 1:00pm - Terry, Charlotte and Will hope you'll join us as we lead worship
                 in White Pigeon, MI (contact Terry for details)
2:00pm - 4:00pm - LOG #69 team meeting

Tuesday Tune-Up: 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Albright UMC in Mishawaka
**** for more info, see the previous LOGBlog post

Snacks for Team Meetings:
LOG #69 - Anya, Lindsey and _____?_____ (someone who didn't get signed up please)
LOG #70 -   Emily E and Annette V
And everyone please bring some beverages!

Next ND Game Day Program Sales:  Saturday, September 21

Team Overnights:
LOG #69 - October 18-19 (ND game that evening - wanna stay and help?)
LOG #70 - October 25-26

Take 'n Go Ribs Fundraiser: Saturday, October 5

Get your participants to sign up soon: