Packing Up: Nine Days – Ninety Names
With only nine days before we head to New Jersey, I’ve got
packing lists and piles of stuff accumulating in a number of locations: my
home, Evangel Heights UMC, the storage facility. I sure hope it all fits on the bus!
I always say that I can’t travel (to LOG events)
lightly. I tend to want to take
everything that we might possibly need – – thank God for Bryce’s trailer!
And even so, there always seems to be the inevitable trip to
pick up something I forgot. Not this time – it’ll be a 1380 mile round-trip!
This morning, I was going through all our placemats to be
sure I have one for each of our Team members. In doing so, I began to set aside the placemats of those
LOGgers that have graduated out this past June.
There are 90 of them!
As I sorted through the pile, I was moved by the names: some as familiar as family (one is
family) and some that I remember, although barely, because I haven’t seen them
since their participant weekend.
They go back as far as L.O.G. #34 (three-fo’).
I remembered shining faces, wonderful harmonies, deep
conversations and great hugs. I
remembered moments of prayer after the death of a loved one; because of
difficult situations or relationships and in thankful realization of the deep
joy and love we share.
Ninety names!
Faithful friends. Servant leaders.
Young people growing in the love of God and their love for God.
Soon - their placemats will hang with those of the over 1000
others who have shared this experience called L.O.G.
I entrust them to God’s care.
I miss them already!